Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

one moment in a day: 6


a fallen leaf - so beautiful, sometimes a part of something makes one realize how integral it is to the whole.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

one moment in a day: 5

evening - after working overtime

reading a "Year of Mornings" in the evening .... after working a very long day.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

one moment in a day: 4

look mom, it's the inside of my cupboard

There is something comforting about everyday tasks - like putting dishes away. These routines are what we miss when we are not 'at home'.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

one moment in a day: 3


Breakfast is the most important meal in a day - and especially fun when served in a vintage egg cup.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

one moment in a day: 2

so good

A bowl of absolute goodness

Friday, October 17, 2008

one moment in a day: 1


I have decided to start a new project where I celebrate one moment in a day. These celebrations are not astounding or exciting, they are just a representation of thankfulness for those moments that make life what it is. These are every day things that make our life hum to a comforting tune.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

monday morning on a day off

I can't stand this week! People are panicking, losing money, they are so scared. It is scary times. One needs a degree of calm and focus. Having a day off is the most precious thing. Time for a good cup of coffee, a beautifully designed magazine. Time to re-center one's soul.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

stillness: 30

tea time

tea time...daydream time. tea time means stillness and pondering life and enjoying the ritual of making tea. i am thinking about the economy, how crazy our world is. we have so much, we constantly want more...that need for things is what got people in trouble. everyone is blaming politicians, wall street, bankers, rating agencies, banks ....but really, why do we buy things we can't afford? why do we need all this stuff? stuff surrounds me everywhere...i feel the need to simplify...a kettle, a cup, some tea and a teapot - those are things you NEED to make tea everything else is extra, not necessary, clutter. we all need to declutter our minds and our homes. simplify, learn to daydream and enjoy the ritual.